Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh my GOSH, ...ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh

*Excuse me while I try to squelch the panic...
For the last hour I have been pacing in my house. I have opened every cupboard and drawer in the place. Here is how we got to this point...

I woke up this morning, all snuggled into a warm ball (yes, I really curl up in ball to sleep). I opened my sleepy eyes and the Sweet One was putting a cup of coffee on my bedside table. Awwwe! I know what your thinking, how does this lead to pacing?

Well I got up to see him off, lock the door, and turn up the heat. Then he called from the car to say can I pull some articles for his class to read over the Thanksgiving break. He just wanted to start reviewing options.  I was fine, wrote it on a post it and stuck it to my laptop. Then IT hit me in the face.

Today is November 1. Where did October go? No really, there were things I was going to do in October that aren't done yet! So I started pacing the house looking at all the things that need to be done, NOW!!!!

November starts a downward slope for us at the Smith-Harrison's. We Start the month with going back to Chattanooga to have friends over for a vacation. The next week we go to Raleigh, NC to spend the Holiday with his other two kids. We come back and turn around the next weekend to see his parents. After that We hit December. He finished us teaching and giving finals, I substitute and proctor, then help grade. I also have a ton of meetings for the law program I am in. We have no less than 8 holiday parties to attend.

And one big stresser. We split up in the middle of the month. He goes back to Raleigh to For his daughters birthday and then brings the kids down to Chattanooga for Christmas with the Family. In the mean while I will finish shopping for the kids and get things ready to go to Chattanooga. One week before Christmas I head down to visit with family and help Smoochie-Kins mother prep for the Christmas Eve Party (we have over 30 friends and family for a sit down dinner). It is no small feat. I am not organized enough this year. Having his son around just throws it all off axis for me, big time. So I just walk around the apartment opening drawers and cupboards and looking at everything that needs to be done and then I take an anti-depressant and cup of coffee and climb back in bed with my laptop.

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