Monday, May 14, 2012

Garden Harvest- Monday May 14, 2012

Today is one of those days. It is a day that has started off bad, continued bad, and then got a lot worse. And of course, its not even 9am here yet.
The Pepper want the sun to come out

I didn't have much happening on my Balcony Garden this week. We have had a lot of cooler, grey days. That being said the salad greens have been happy and producing. My friend came over and harvested a bunch while I was out of town, but failed to weigh it (my only stipulation for taking from the garden :(
Guardians of the lettuce bowl

What I manged to pull out before we left town was a measly .5 oz for a salad. Plus a handful of herbs for use throughout the week.
The Cilantro is finally looking good

I use lots of Thyme :)

I am so proud of three rosemary plants I have growing from seed!!!
Next week I will be reporting from Chattanooga where our family home is (ie, not the condo balcony). I have two large raised beds full of veggies, flowers, and herbs. Can't wait to see what is going on there!

Weekly Totals:  0.5oz
Yearly Total:     0.6oz

 Be sure to hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions and check out other gardener's harvests for the week!


  1. Wow, rosemary from seed - that's awesome! I love the lettuce guardians!

    1. Thanks! I had no idea that growing it from seed was so hard until I sowed 25 pellets and only three came up. Those tiny little things have been growing since early February. I am determined to turn them into decent plants, even if everything else dies, lol.

  2. Rosemary is really slow to get started then picks up after awhile. I've never been successful growing it from seed, but cuttings root pretty easily.

    1. Perhaps I am not destined to have rosemary. I got some cuttings from my mom and all the leaves fell off.

  3. But aren't those fresh herbs amazing? No week is a bad harvest with that!
