About me

I am a 20 something living in Music City, USA. I was a stay at home for a few years after meeting my fella. We moved to Nashville so he could get his PhD and I became his Girl Friday. I began to fancy myself a Martha Stewart/ Emily Post Hybrid. I was a house cleaning, gardener, Jill of all trades. Don't worry, that didn't last too long.

I really reached out to the blog world to see how other housewives were handling the stress of day to day life. What tips and tricks could they teach me? What could I offer to them? That was what prompted me to start this blog. It gave me an outlet to share the tips and tricks I stumbled across and also how mundane a day can be. I invite you to share in my day to day messy life and pick up the little gems that fall out along the way.

And while your here, if you happen to have something to add, by all means do. We can all use a little extra something. Just leave it in the comments section or email me at jamiegirlsblog.