Monday, January 10, 2011

52 weeks or organizing

I am hooked on right now. I am trying to follow her suggestion of meal plan mondays although I don't know how strictly I will follow it. We tend to have lots of schedule changes round here.

The next of her projects is 52 weeks of organization. I know it seemed like a lot to me too! But it is really more about breaking the projects down and accomplishing them one at a time and keeping it ongoing rather than spending one weekend doing the whole of the kitchen and then two weeks later your kitchen is back in the same state, that is if you ever finished in the first place, hehe.

Week 1 for me was under the sink in out master bathroom. I pulled everything out and I mean everything! I tossed over half the contents. I was really pleased. I shouldn't have let it get so bad, but I did. this will show up again on the list of 52 because I want to make sure I am being vigilant about purging things we don't need.

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